Feb 21

Organic Trace minerals overpower inorganic trace minerals in terms of superiority in poultry nutrition

Trace minerals are indispensable components in poultry diets. Minerals like Calcium, Phosphorus, and Manganese play a major role in growth, bone development of birds, whereas Copper and Zinc are responsible for maintaining the feather color. Minerals have a key role in enzyme structure like Catalase(Fe), carbonic anhydrous(Zn), SOD(Cu,Zn,Mn) and GSH(Se). …READ MORE

Oct 27

Silage – the best economical alternate while scarcity of green fodder is evitable

India is the largest producer of milk with 187.75 MT production ( Basic animal husbandry statistics, 2019). The average yield is about 1600 Kg/animal whereas the world average is about 2700 kg/animal. Israel and the USA are the leading countries with average yields of about 13000 and 10500 Kg/animal respectively. …READ MORE

Aug 13

Wonder of Bacillus consortium in improving gut health and performance in poultry

Currently, the animal feeding practice includes prophylactic approaches for supporting intestinal health and immunity, to reduce the incidences of dysbiosis, diseases, and the need for antimicrobial medication. The antibiotics kill the pathogen or restrict their multiplication to control the infection from advancing in the host. As per the report of …READ MORE

Dec 20

Reducing the negative impacts of Phytate in feed

  It is important to reduce the negative impacts of phytate in feed when looking to achieve precision nutrition and efficient animal diets. The feed industry has evolved rapidly, with science and innovation driving greater understanding of animal biology, feed composition, and nutrition. Learning more about phytate and its interactions …READ MORE

Bentoli's Top 17 Feed Additives and How They Work